Building Hope in Roatan
Serving Roatan Honduras through medical care and vocational discipleship.​
Adult Vocational Discipleship
The men of the Rehab and Dump are eager to work but lack the basic skills to sustain a job. Without skills, sorting through garbage all week is the only way left to support their families. With over 25 years experience in construction and repair, Bill Guzman is training men from the Roatan Rehab, Dump Ministry and even local church leaders in carpentry, electrical, plumbing and repair. Please consider sponsoring a training class for $250 which provides Christ-centered instruction combined with the skills to provide for their families.
Please join us in praying and giving for Bill & Melissa Ministries in Roatan!
Children’s Health Program:
Our families at the dump struggle on a daily basis to provide health and proper vitamins for their children. One eight year old child recently had detached retinas in both eyes due to a simple lack of vitamin A. Common illnesses include failure to thrive, asthma, skin and fungal infections and malaria. Melissa Guzman is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner is tasked with overseeing the healthcare of over 340 children enrolled in two Children’s Ministries, the Dump Ministry and Learning Center Pre-K Program.
For $15 per month you can sponsor one child with medical exams, parasite meds and vitamins.